Elegant Tswana Traditional Attire for African Women

Tswana Traditional Attire 2023

Tswana traditional vesture is generally made of shweshwe cloth. youthful girls wear a skirt called a ‘ Makgabe ’ which is made of small Tswana globules.

Women wear shweshwe dresses and shirts made out of a fabric called ‘ Toishi ’ which is generally blue in colour.

During traditional baby showers, mama sikiti wear mogagolwane, a checkerboard small mask. It’s also worn by wedded women during traditional marriages and colorful inauguration observances, as well as at sepultures by Batswana women.

The Tswana or Setswana people are rich in culture and heritage. One of the ways this is expressed is through their apparel, most specially Tswana traditional dresses.

Over the antedating decades styles and designs have acclimated to suit further ultramodern tastes, but the ethnical substance has still remained within the DNA of Tswana traditional vesture.

Tswana Ethnography

The Batswana( Tswana), are an African ethnical group who live in Southern Africa. The Tswana language is a member of the Sotho- Tswane language family. In 2011, ethnical Tswanas made up about 85 of Botswana’s population.

Batswana are the original occupants of southern and eastern Botswana, as well as Gauteng, North West, Northern Cape, and Free State in South Africa. The maturity of Batswana live in these areas.

Tswana History

The Batswana, like utmost people in Southern Africa, are descendants of Bantu- speaking peoples who travelled southward from Angola and Mozambique around 600 announcement and established ethnical enclaves as growers and herdsmen. The Toutswemogala Hill Iron Age agreement was innovated in the 9th century announcement.


The country name Botswana comes from the Tswana people, who are known as Basotho in English. The maturity of Botswana’s population speak Setswana.

All have a traditional Paramount Chief, known as Kgosikgolo, who’s entitled to a seat in Parliament’s Ntlo ya Dikgosi( an premonitory council to the government).

The Tswana dynasties are each related. A Motswana person lives in Botswana, and the plural is Batswana. During the 17th century, the three major branches of the Tswana lineage surfaced.

The first king, named Mhlope or Molepolole, led a large group of people from the area now known as Northern Transvaal to Molepolos. There are three sisters called Kwena, Ngwaketse, and Ngwato who broke down from their father Chief Malope in Molepolole to form their own communities.

Tswana in South Africa

The largest number of ethnical Tswana people lives in ultramodern- day South Africa. They’re one of the major ethnical groups in South Africa, and the Tswana language is one of 11 sanctioned languages in the country.

Between 4 and 5 million Tswana people live in Botswana, with the North West Province counting for around two- thirds of them.

During the Intolerance period, South African Tswana people were designated by the Intolerance governance as Bophuthatswana citizens of one of ten bantustans established for the express purpose of defending intolerance legislation.

Setswana Food

Cornmeal gruel, known as pap in numerous corridor of Africa, is a introductory mess that’s frequently eaten with meat or vegetables. Borotho is a chuck
made from a variety of flours. Ting is the most common sludge porridge available.

Bogobe jwa Logala/ Sengana is a traditional Setswana mess made from sludge porridge that has been prepared with milk. Seswaa is Botswana’s public dish, which is frequently served at marriages, sepultures, and other events.

Seswaa is a dish made out of pounded or tattered beef and generally served with Bogobe( porridge). Madila is a sour dressed milk produced from cow and scapegoat milk over time until completely mature for consumption.

Traditionally, madila were made in Lekuka, a leather bag or bag used in the product and preservation of madila. Madila is also traditionally eaten as a relish with pap. It may also be used to make mild porridge with a sour and milky flavor by adding Motogo to the soft porridge.

Tswana Music

The music of the Tswana people are largely oral, although they may also be played without cans depending on the situation.

The instruments used in Tswana traditional music include Setinkane( a Botswana variant of the piano), Segankure/ Segaba( a Botswana variant of the Erhu), Moropa, and phala.

Botswana’s artistic musical instruments extend far beyond the strings and cans. The hands are also employed as musical instruments, either clapping them together or against phathisi( scapegoat skin turned outside out wrapped around the shin area; it’s only used by men) to induce music and meter.

The guitar has been deified as a protean music instrument for Tswana music because it includes a wider range of strings, which the Segaba does not. Other popular contemporary Tswana songs include Tswana Rap, frequently known as Motswako.